Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

DS-110 Balls of Fire

Balls of Fire

Driveshaft Library

(same as PF-158)


Adam Hayes



Balls of Fire

Driveshaft Library

(same as PF-158)


Adam Hayes




If, as the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR: PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY, AND MENTAL HEALTH says, males become involved in homosexual behavior… where they are in close contact with members of their own sex… then is it any wonder that men brought together in those jobs which have long been considered bastions of male exclusiveness should find themselves indulging in—or at least tempted to indulge in—homosexual activity?

What, for instance, makes so many people believe that jobs like fire-fighting, where men are required by work schedules to remain in constant contact with each other on a round-the-clock, twenty-four-hour basis, do not include men who are attracted to each other? Is it really because of the misconception held by many within the straight society that homosexuals are too visibly unmasculine to make the grade in such masculine professions? Yes, possibly this is one of the major reasons, since too many people, even today, assume that all homosexuals are the limp-wristed little fairies who invariably end up in one or more of the stereotype “gay” professions.

However, to assume this, is to be misled. For homosexuals do not, states Wayne J. Anderson, M.D., in his HOW TO UNDERSTAND SEX, “… confine their occupational activities to such pursuits as fashion designing, ladies’ hair styling, and the field of acting…” In fact, you are just as apt to find a homosexual (albeit, probably a closet case), in the field of fire-fighting as in any other profession picked at random.

The following, then, is the story of homosexual firemen—two in particular: Dan Traig, who is cognizant enough of his own sexuality to at least realize his preferences and not delude himself into believing otherwise. Adlar Lane, who, while having his deep-rooted suspicions of his dominant sexual needs, has managed—like so many others in society—to brainwash himself into believing that his desires lie elsewhere; namely, in heterosexuality.

This is, also, the story of yet another homosexual: not a fire-fighter, but one who starts the fires in order to feel-as states THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA in its discussion of pyromania—the “…relief and pleasurable sensations…” achieved from watching the flames.


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