Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

P-236 Room 314

Room 314

Parisian Press


J P MacMurphy



Room 314

Parisian Press


J P MacMurphy





Patiently, Dan sat and listened to the man talk. If the john wanted to use his time this way, so what? Stranger things had happened in his ‘career’.

The man glanced abruptly at the clock and quickly disappeared into one of the two bedrooms, giving no indication that Dan was to follow, so he remained on the sofa.

As quickly as he had disappeared the man reappeared, his hand covered by a large chunk of hard, white shortening.

“Stand up,” the man ordered Dan, who did so. “Here,” the balding man said and handed the huge lump of shortening to Dan. “Spread it over your tits but save a little bit for your cock.”

Dan did as he was told.

“There, that’s good,” The man said when Dan had spread most of the shortening around the nipples of his chest. “Now pull down the jock strap just to your knees. Yes. Yes, just like that. You may now put the remainder of the lard on your cock.”

Dan thought the tone the man used was like a teacher giving instructions just before a test but proceeded to do as he had been told.

The man lay down on the sofa and began playing with himself again, while Dan stood with his hands on his hips, awaiting his next instruction. But the man said nothing. Instead he rolled his head towards Dan and began beating his hidden cock even faster. “Now come here,” the man said at last.

Dan moved closer to the sofa.

“Take your cock and spread the lard on it over my eyes.”

For a moment Dan stood motionless. He had run across some weird kooks before but this guy was too much. Shrugging his shoulders, he dropped his right hand to his cock and thrust his hips forward, so that the cock was over the man’s face. Slowly he began to rub the hardening shaft over the john’s closed eyelids.


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