Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

HIS69-458 Workin’ Out

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Workin’ Out



Clay Caldwell


Category: Tag:

Workin’ Out



Clay Caldwell




You’ve seen a kid like Jeff, a teenager who seemed to exude sex whether he knew it or not. Maybe the box boy at the supermarket, the order taker at the hamburger stand, the crotch-bulging youth hitching a ride home from high school. Yeah, that’s the kind of young stud Jeff is… and he knows it!

On the other hand, Scott is out of his teens, successful, satisfied… but he can’t understand his hot reaction to just watching the teenager who lives across the street.

When Jeff tells Scott to “get with it!” the fireworks begin!

You may have known a Jeff when you were in high school, a blond athlete whose every look and move made your nuts pump overtime.

Or perhaps you knew a Scott, a self-secure young man who didn’t admit his secret desires, not even to himself.

In any event, you’ll get to know Jeff and Scott damn well before you finish this book! No lie, you’ll know every inch of them, from head to toe, to say nothing of their friends!

As always, we selected this book with you in mind. We believe you want all-out, no-holds-barred male fiction, and your fan letters tell us we’re right. When the postman arrives, we pay attention, so why not make use of his services?

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