Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

FL-33 Jesse – Man of the Streets

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Jesse – Man of the Streets

French Line


Carl Corley


Category: Tag:

Jesse – Man of the Streets

French Line


Carl Corley




“They ride motorcycles, wear leather jackets like real he-men, but these hustlers are all the same. Boys selling their boxes like girls while bragging what men they are.”

* * *

“Just like all hustlers,” said a man who sat next to Rono. His face sagged like melted wax, his delicately-ringed fingers made wide arcs as he talked and his cigarette was thrust into a long, sequined holder. “You can’t trust one no more than you can put faith in one of them convicts out of Angola. They’ll ruin you… I know. Them natty, male bitches have sure run me through the mill.”

Surprised. I came swiftly to Jesse’s defense. “He’s not a hustler,” I said.

Rono and the man laughed, scoffingly. “You’re naive,” the older man snapped. “He hustled you out of your Thunderbird, didn’t he? And what else, I wonder, has he hustled you out of…?”


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