Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

HD-117 The Health Club


The Health Club

Hung Studs




The Health Club

Hung Studs





“Okay,” John said. “Let’s get down to business. You’re here on a trial basis, you understand. They did tell you that in the office?”

“Not exactly,” Dominic said. “I told them I had another offer, but I wanted to try this place out first.”

“Oho,” said John. He paused and looked at the boy. “How well did that go over with Lucas?”

“He seemed to think that I’d enjoy it here, and never want to leave.” Dominic smiled suddenly. “I like to reserve judgment.”

“The work’s hard but rewarding,” John began, but Dominic held up a hand.

“Spare the pep-talk, and the prepared speeches. Tell me what really goes on around here.”

“Just what I’m telling you, Mr. Santos.” John’s eyes were hard and flat. “You do your job, and you do your best, and that’s absolutely that. No fraternizing, no hanging-out. And I will not tolerate gold-brickers. I work my staff hard, real hard. Keep it in mind.”

“Yes sir!” Dominic gave a mock salute and rose.

“When do I start?”

“Now.” John gave the boy a narrow smile and also rose to his feet. “There’s a class coming in at 1:00 pm. I want you to show me what you can do.”

“You got it,” said Dominic. They regarded each other for a minute, long enough for John to wonder at the instant animosity that had sprung up between them. He’d always gotten along well with everyone who’d ever worked with or for him. It was a real effort to be nice to this kid. He mentally shrugged.

It would come to him.


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