Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

HIS69-005 Sailor’s Delight

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Sailor’s Delight



Edwin Starke


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Sailor’s Delight



Edwin Starke




Eugene—or Gene, as he preferred in his rare butch moments—had always had a thing about uniforms, especially sailor suits. The tight, tight white—mounding so delightfully over the bulging baskets of the sweet little sailor boys… minnow muncher, that was Gene… and the bigger the minnow, the better the feast.

He had scraped together every penny he could get his hands on, turning every trick in the book to do it… just so he could spend most of a year in Europe with his sister Harvey. Only Harvey backed out at the eleventh hour, leaving Gene alone on the big Danish cruise ship.

And what a cruise Gene had for himself, taking the boat apart deck by deck, leaving no blue-eyed blond Norseman ungroped or unsatisfied in his swaying wake.

The captain of the Thorvaldsen, Erich Lachvold, had the biggest basket of all… and it was that particular sailor that Eugene wanted to delight again and again and again. Sailor’s Delight is the story of what happened when Gene finally got a rise out of the captain, and Edwin Starke tells it like it really is.

More than that, reading Sailor’s Delight one gets the definite impression that Edwin Starke has taken a prolonged cruise of his own. Certainly he would have to have been there… all the way…  in order to describe each separate thrill, fat inch by fat inch, that Gene could encounter aboard the Thorvaldsen or anything or anyone else he could get aboard.

Even with Erich the Long firmly embedded all the way into Gene’s talented camp… Gene was still a push-over for any butch-looking number that bulged inside his line of vision.

There was Alan, the flaming queen, swishing across Europe and draining every man in sight…  leaving nothing but limp dangles in her flighty path.

There was Gunnar, the super-rugged butch number, hung like a horse and always up, ready to put Gene through all the paces.

There was Aldo, the romantic Italian, smooth and solid and so terribly young… needing all the attention Gene could lavish upon his olive-perfection contours.

And still there was Erich, the Captain of all men… waiting patiently for Gene to exhaust himself and settle for the only man… the only connection… that really mattered to either of them.

Edwin Starke has written a superbly gay novel, and one that can only become a genuine best-seller… a fitting title to bring to Surrey House, Inc.’s HIS 69 Series.


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