Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

HIS69-218 Bondage Boys

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Bondage Boys



Dick Stroth


Category: Tag:

Bondage Boys



Dick Stroth




There are times in all of our lives that are more important than we realize at the moment. Events, people, actions that we do not fully appreciate when they occur, later impinge on us with force. Indeed, some events that may have seemed transient later prove decisive in shaping our characters.

In this book, I look at some sexual events-happenings that, to the reader, may seem more momentous than they seem to the participants. Seem that way because of the distance that the narrative may provide and the greater understanding that maturity allows.

The boys in this story are, to a great extent, typical of adolescents. Groping, uncertain, even frightened of what they find themselves doing. Yet, all the while, they are forming patterns of feeling and behavior that will persist throughout their adult lives.

Natural drives, at first allowed to run free are later brought from the carefree, untrammel state and made to be controlled, deliberate, intentional vehicles of enjoyment. How this comes about; how the boys go from careless youth to greater understanding is the subject of this book.

The characters are composits; personages assembled from many different individuals. This telescoping allows more, and more varied, types of behavior to be examined in a concentrated form which permits the highlights to come through undimmed by what might otherwise be distracting, and irrelevant, details.


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