Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

101-19 Pageboys

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101 Enterprises


Teryl Andrews


Category: Tag:


101 Enterprises


Teryl Andrews




The gay knights of Camelot, the lust-drenched Lancelot, the debauched King Arthur and his smooth-cheeked pageboys, the Sherwood Forest bandits and their “boy captives.”

Bound Slaves of Forest Bandits. The young squires are abducted and taken into the thick woods, helpless pawns and slaves of cruel highwaymen and forest bandits. If you think Robin Hood was so pure and innocent, you’ve got a rude awakening in store for you. Read this: It was a place where wild animals roamed and where bandits and robbers made their camps, deep in its darkness. The music grew louder and the bandits grew drunker. The big man laughed but his stare was still resting on the boys tied against the poles. He took out his knife. He seized Todd’s tunic and slit it down the middle, exposing the lower part of his stomach and abdomen. The man slit his tights, starting from the knee until he revealed the boy’s sex. The men screamed in pleasure as the knife worked its way up. There was a burst of shouts as the material fell from Richard’s body.

Fighting Over the Bound Nude Young Knights. The big man was drunk. “This one is mine,” he roared. The other man jumped up and drew a knife from his belt. The men gathered in a circle as another brought a gleaming knife and handed it to the leader. Then they were like fighting animals, lunging back and forth, screaming with each move.

The Sodomites in the Castle. When the drawbridge was raised, the sodomites were alone in the dark castle with their young squires. “Here, rub this on me,” Percivale said, handing Richard the jar. Richard couldn’t stand it any longer. He urged Percivale to hurry. The knight kissed him lightly on the cheek. “I’ll make it something to remember.” Indeed, Richard believed him.

When the Knighthood Was Gay and Young. Here we see the little-known and oft-hushed story about gay King Arthur and his merry—nay, they were not merry, but they sure were gay—knights in shining armor and silks and satins. From a stable boy to imperial Lancelot, it was the most liveliest period of history. Take off your shining armor, lay down your sword, bring out the tankards and the lovely boys. A masterpiece of classic erotology based on actual events of gay Camelot.


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