Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

SR-603 The Self Lover

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The Self Lover

Sundown Classics


John Dexter


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The Self Lover

Sundown Classics


John Dexter




“This is Adolph Volschmidt,” he gestured toward the white-haired man in the armchair. “One of Chicago’s leading television producers. One of the best, aren’t you, Adolph?”

The white-haired man inclined his head in modest acknowledgment of a tribute nonetheless well deserved, but the pretty boy next to him exclaimed, “Why, you just know he is!”

“Quiet, Louis, or I’ll have to take you home and discipline you,” the white-haired man sedately murmured. Then he lifted his glass to Drake and nodded curtly, while Louis, making a playful moue at him, whispered something into his ear which promptly made him chuckle.

“And the young man with him is Louis Hartmann, his nephew,” Kieth added, keeping hold of Drake’s right hand as if he were a child. As they passed the armchair, Volschmidt pulled his nephew down into his lap and calmly began fondling the boy’s costumed body while his head fell back on the older man’s shoulder, eyes closing, his moist full lips parting and his thin nostril-wings sporadically dilating. “And here’s Alfred Fairdaile, Drake.”

“We’ve already met—wasn’t it last week?” giggled the blond young man, with a salacious wink at the blushing red-headed boy. His husky escort, on whose lap he snuggled, both arms linked around his neck, nodded affably at Drake.

“That’s right, so you did. Alfred’s head of a dramatic coaching school for young ladies and young men. And this is Jake Grazutio, who owns a flock of money-making motels from here to the coast.”


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