Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

PF-137 Breaking in a Chicken

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Breaking in a Chicken

Power Force

(same as HIS69-182)


Brad Rowen


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Breaking in a Chicken

Power Force

(same as HIS69-182)


Brad Rowen




CHARISMA—noun, pl. charismata (from the Greek—charisma, favor, gift—French charts—grace: akin to Greek charein: to rejoice more at—yearn)

1. an extraordinary power 2. (a) a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (b) a special magnetic charm or appeal.

The word charisma has become standard in our vocabularies. This once special work, with its almost undefinable meaning, can now be heard a dozen times a day on radio, television, and in everyday conversation.

Charisma, that special something that made Alexander truly great, also made the masses in Germany follow Hitler to disgrace and defeat.

Disraeli had it, as did the despicable Rasputin. One was an admired statesman, the other an incredibly evil creature of the devil, yet both possessed the mystical quality that caused men to follow and revere them.

There is no way charisma can be learned. It is not an acquired grace, but a gift of the gods, and only they know why it is bestowed upon a particular recipient.

Not even the greatest psychiatrists have been able to understand why some men inspire others to worship them as gods, and no one has ever understood why those who have it sometimes turn out to be ruthless, often sadistic animals, who turn on and destroy the ones who love them most.

The word charisma was used to describe John F. Kennedy by a clever public relations man, and the people picked it up and made it their own. Now, even some brands of toothpaste claim to dispense charisma while banishing those nasty little cavity-making enzymes.

If only it were that easy. If only charisma could be bought across a counter, then the lives of six boys would not have hung in the balance as they danced to the tune of a modern young god named Mikos Stefanos.

Mike had charisma. It took him thirteen years to find it out, but once he did, he made the most of it. And, if in his learning process he cut souls to shreds and degraded innocent boys with his sadistic sexual games, well… isn’t that how leaders are born?

Let’s see… there was Attila, and Genghis Khan, Nero of course, and a thousand others who swelled the ranks of hell. And then there was Mike. How could anyone forget him?


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