Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

IL-242 Melody of Spring

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Melody of Spring

Impact Library


H. L. Trocci


Category: Tag:

Melody of Spring

Impact Library


H. L. Trocci




I glared at him. He was big and hard looking.

Probably as mean and tough as they came. Still, I felt I could handle him in a show down fight.

The only thing worrying me was the neutrality of his buddies.

“I’ll come back anytime I feel like it, fairy,” I said coldly.

His small eyes lighted with anger. “What did you call me?”

“Queer,” I said, watching him. “Fairy. Faggot. Homo…”

Something blurred through the air. Too late, I saw the big fist driving toward my jaw. I tried to spin out of the way but the blow caught me hard on the cheek, driving me back against the bar, jarring my head loose from my shoulders.

The thigh moved. It was connected to a large frame. The man was over six feet and weighed at least 250. Small eyes narrowed to slits. The thin mouth closed to a slash. A meaty fist doubled under my nose. I stared at it.

“One last chance, friend,” the voice lashed at me. “Do you leave our place willingly or do we have to give you the complete treatment?”

I scowled at him. “Damn faggot,” I swore, moving toward him.

A rock hard fist exploded against my jaw. I felt my body moving through the air. The bar slammed against my back. My knees were suddenly rubbery. My legs gave out and I felt the floor rise to meet me. Around me the bar was alive with sound. The buzz of excitement had pervaded the place. Faces ringed me in. I closed my eyes and shook my head. The buzzing in my noggin had to be from the scotch. The big bruiser had gotten in two lucky blows. Now it was my turn.

I scrambled to my hands and knees and then pulled myself up by the bar top. My antagonist stood, legs spread apart, fists doubled…waiting.

I sucked in my breath and turned toward him slowly, propping my back against the bar. My legs felt weak as hell. I was out of shape. Still I knew I could take this faggot.

The mean eyed bruiser moved against me.


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