Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

YS-130 Meat Packers


Meat Packers

Young Stallions




Meat Packers

Young Stallions




(Pretty much a shitty book)


The showers.

And Jack sees them and they see him. Meat and meat and meat.

But living, vibrant, prime beef.

And beef that is complete as well as alive. Or that thinks it is.

Because now, there comes over them a need for confirmation.

All this work.

Is it merely self-delusion?

Are they doing as well as they think they are?

Or is it only an aberration, a self-induced halluci- nation?

So that they are in the world but not of it.

They are surrounded by reality, but not interfacing with it.

As they must, if what they have achieved, what they are trying to achieve, is to have meaning.

Or are they, like sides of beef, just so much dis- crete object, matter, meat in the world, absurdities having no actual significance, not even to them- selves, if the truth be known?

No, there is the rest of the day to be gotten through.

For that matter, there is the rest of life to be gotten through.

And the world is shut down with the snowstorm. So that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do.

And maybe it is Phil who makes the first move.

Although the spark is there, resident in each of them.

But in any case, it is Phil’s heavy equipment which is the first to twitch to life.

So that perhaps it is not so much a move as it is matter informing itself.

And now, more than informing, asserting itself, raising its head.

And now, Walter’s follows suit.

And a black monolith of hard flesh, or engorged meat, makes its presence known.

Cock and cock.

And now, cock and cock and cock.

As Jack, inspired by this apparently spontaneous eruption of the manifestation of lust, feels his own cock suddenly coming to life, twitching and warm, filling up with blood.


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