Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

WB-126 Spread Studs

Spread Studs

Wildboys Collection


Harvey Welsh



Spread Studs

Wildboys Collection


Harvey Welsh




To all outward appearances Shane Nichols was just like any other man, although a little younger and a little stronger than most. To look at him he seemed to be like other men, doing what they did and interested in the same things they were. Only Shane Nichols was different, and different in a surprising way.

He was different because he worked for an organization so secret that few people outside its boundaries had heard of it. An organization that sent him down to Jamaica to investigate a ring of sex-crazed muscular sadists who were trying to smuggle drugs into the United States.

Already three of Shane’s fellow agents had gone after this gang, and their bodies had been found naked and bleeding, with their penises enlarged to five times their normal size! Shane knew that if he failed on this mission a similar fate would be awaiting him.

Despite his careful planning, Shane fell into the hands of these men, who lost no time in forcing their sadistic tastes upon his helpless body. And he knew that it would be only a matter of time before they did to his organ of manhood what they had done to those of the men who had tried and failed before him…


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