Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

N-128 Sex Protege

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Sex Protege

PEC Novels


Ed Culver


Category: Tag:

Sex Protege

PEC Novels


Ed Culver




Vernon pounded on the door with his fist.

“Open up!” he called loudly. “And keep a civil tongue in your head. I’m bringing in your new roommate.”

“Door’s unlocked,” a boy’s voice said from beyond the door.

Vernon kicked open the door and stepped aside. “Entrez!” he told Mike.

The room was rather small, about twelve feet square, and furnished with battered old furniture. Mike saw at a glance—bunk beds, a moth-eaten easy chair, two badly beat-up dressers that ought to have been discarded a long time past. There were clothes all over the floor, mixed with magazines, coffee cups and saucers.

“What a mess!” Vernon said. “Rick, this is Mike Sawyer. Rick Rosen.”

“Hi, Rick,” said Mike, swallowing hard.

He was a little taken aback, for Rick was lying on his bed in a shaft of sunlight, completely naked.

“Make yourself at home, Mike. The dresser by the window is yours.” And Vernon told Rick, “Don’t let us stop you from getting dressed.”

Rick laughed. “I was getting some sun—and masturbating.”

Mike felt hot suddenly, and he was certain that his face had gotten red, for he was truly embarrassed by this kind of talk.

“Get the hell out of here, Vernon,” Rick told him now. “I want to talk with my new roommate.”


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