Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

FL-30 Live Bait

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Live Bait

French Line


Mark Dunn


Category: Tag:

Live Bait

French Line


Mark Dunn




HIS HEART WAS FULL OF HATE—SURELY ENOUGH HATE TO MAKE MURDER EASY—but deeper than the hate, Bill Brennan felt the lust joining the hate and swelling into a compulsive madness.

He jerked the boy up into his arms, reached around and flicked off the light switch and carried him down the hallway until he found the bedroom. “Bill, don’t!” Jock pleaded but Bill paid no attention. Quickly, he jerked off the young man’s slacks—then his own. Jock moved to the edge of the bed, cowering in the corner against the wall. “Don’t touch me, Bill! I warn you…”

“Shut up! You’re damn lucky I’m not going to kill you,” Brennan said with a hiss. When all his clothes were in a pile on the floor, he lunged across the bed and grabbed the boy, jerking him flat on his back across the bed.


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