Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

HIS69-442 Towel Boy

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Towel Boy



Samuel West


Category: Tag:

Towel Boy



Samuel West




How does a Welsh miner unwind after a long day on the slag heap? He stands under a hot shower, soaping the grit off until his skin is all pink and shiny. Tingling. Then he calls for the towel boy.

And a naked boy comes running to complete the cleaning up process.

Shortly after his thirteenth birthday, young Davey joins the underground labor force. The new towel boy is totally unaware of what services he is expected to provide along with the towel.

However, Davey turns out to be fast on the uptake as well as the trigger. When the late shift streams into the shower room, gritty and ready for action, our hero handles his duties with lip-smacking relish. Soon even the hardbitten Welshmen realize that they are the best serviced studs in an otherwise thankless profession.

You may envy Davey’s cozy working conditions, but can a human service station experience the more tender emotions? Damn right he can! Davey falls hard for a dewy lad whose monumental innocence is matched only by his dimensions. The seduction is swiftly accomplished and Davey foresees a future of unlimited rapture.

Unfortunately, rapture has its limits and the life of a towel boy isn’t all roses. The young lovers are separated by fate in the guise of a sinister overseas visitor.

Battered but undaunted, Davey rides a roller coaster of rape, incest, and general mayhem. The wild ride brings him up from the coal mine into the plush slime pit of London—where the young lovers stage an eerie, unforgettable, slambang reunion.


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