Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

GB-113 Meat


Golden Boy Books


Lambert Wilhelm




Golden Boy Books


Lambert Wilhelm




Kinsey estimated that fifty percent of males have engaged in overt homosexual activity at least occasionally.

Within the remaining fifty percent can be included those to whom the very idea of homosexuality is an anathema: those who have had the opportunity for homosexual encounters but have resisted them. But there is also within this percentile group certain individuals who have not experimented with gay sex primarily because they have not been exposed to it.

It is often a very difficult procedure to “come out” in gay life, not only because of the basic underlying sexual taboos which have been set up by society (as archaic as those taboos may have become), but also because joint paranoia often makes it impossible for one inexperienced male to approach another, even if there is a definite attraction existing between the two. Despite the prevailing myth, a homosexual does not make obvious advances toward each and every member of the same sex with whom he comes into daily contact.

There are, therefore, certain men among us who are confident of their heterosexuality mainly because they have somehow been shielded from sexual experiences that have differed from the accepted heterosexual norm.

Social contact, after all, has long been identified as one of the prime contributing factors to homosexual development within our society.

“One of the major influences is early homosexual experiences,” says THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR: PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY, AND MENTAL HEALTH. It goes on to say that males may also “become involved in homosexual behavior in correctional institutions, military service, or boarding schools, where they are in close contact with members of their own sex and at the same time have little or no opportunity for heterosexual relationships.”

The following, then, is the story of Monty Darnel who has led a life in which contact with gays has been kept at a decided minimum. His latent homosexual desires, therefore, have been exposed to no situations which have allowed them to develop as they might well have done under more favorable conditions.

It is the story of one young man suddenly being forced into re-evaluating his ideas of what is sexually right for him within society: forced by a violent confrontation with three men who have come to look upon Monty’s very existence as a threat to their own personal well-being and survival.


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