Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

HIS69-176 Gang-Bang Bikers

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Gang-Bang Bikers


(same as DS-172)


Gene Murray


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Gang-Bang Bikers


(same as DS-172)


Gene Murray




Few people know that Jock, cop on the beat, is a husky, lusty lover of men. Not that it would have made much difference in the big city. But Jock lives in the small town of Grove City, Midwestern and proper by anyone’s standards. So when Bull, leader of a local, man-loving leather gang, threatens to make known Jock’s true identity, Jock fears for his job, even for his life.

It all begins one morning when the police report comes through, that Lowell, a big, brawny farmboy and Jock’s sometime lover, is raped in a bloody gang-bang. The gang leader is none other than Bull himself.

Jock is unwillingly put on the detail, to locate Bull and his motorcycle henchmen. Pledged to avenging his young lover’s rape, as well as to preserving the secrecy of his homosexuality, Jock is ambivalent. And he fears retribution from the hard-hitting men, who are desperate to preserve their independence and their own anti-social mores. Rape and guns are kids’ play to them. They will stop at nothing. To complicate matters further, Bull is a most handsome stud… he has a large chest, bulging biceps, and a pecker that matches the biggest and the best of them. Jock wouldn’t have minded getting him in the sack, but under the right conditions.

Bull’s men are no scrawny species of male either. There is Zane, Sass, Buzz, and Hank, the big black stud. Jock gets to know them all very well… and intimately, but against his will, when he and his partner are taken prisoner in a desolate farmhouse far from Grove City…

Naked and at gunpoint, the two cops are forced to satisfy every lusty whim that crosses the minds and groins of their captors… Only the memory of Harold, the handsome, young Norwegian in his rooming house gives Jock the courage to persist in his efforts to free himself. He is certain that Harold likes men as much as he, Jock, does. And they have not had the time to make proper acquaintance. He is a bit older than Lowell and wiser in the ways of the world.

A series of events, following Jock’s release from the bloody gang, culminates in a diminishing of the cop’s popularity. And then he needs Harold more than ever.

A cop who likes other men can embitter a whole town against him, if the truth is discovered. Grove City is a good city, a straight city, Jock is an excellent cop, but not a straight cop.

When an irresistable force meets an immovable object, something must give. The following book demonstrates a real problem in society: gays among straights. There is a reason which the gang that cop Jock is fighting is outside society: they could not dig men openly and outwardly the way they do, if they were INSIDE society. Society pushes them to an alienating way of life. Instead of stealing chickens, they steal young farm boys and have their way with them.

Although Jock likes men, too, he chooses to work within society. But that society pushes him to his limits, too; sometimes it is more than he can take.

Sometimes it is more than all of us can take. Read on. Perhaps Jock a sympathetic cop, can offer some answers. In any case, we hope the book will be an enjoyable reading repast for you.


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