Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

CB-122 Arab Captives


Arab Captives

Combat Books




Arab Captives

Combat Books





The heat and dust from the desert seemed to be a continual part of life in Israel, and in the years since Rick had last been here, he’d forgotten how miserable it could make life.

There were, however, mitigating factors.

There was Jack, for instance, naked now, stretched out on the bed, slabs of muscle covering his perfectly conditioned body.

“It’s been a long time, Ricky my boy. It’s damn good to see you again.”

He was already stroking his cock, toying with it, teasing it into an erection.

“And I’d have to say that my partner here agreed with my opinion,” he said. “Why don’t you come over here on the bed and join us?”

Rick had come to this troubled part of the world in search of a story. Jack promised to lead him to that story.

Jack, it seemed, would prove to be the source of much more than that during his visit here. Rick slipped out of his clothes and climbed onto the bed.


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