Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

BA-123 Master of Slade House

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Master of Slade House

Bad Boys




Category: Tag:

Master of Slade House

Bad Boys






“Right, then we are now ready to find our first victim… James, I want you to go to Drayton. Take as long as you want but call me every day. Enjoy yourself but find us a young man who will scream on the rack…”

He smiled around at the others—and they smiled back. Each of them had a lump in his pants which refused to abate. The thoughts going through their minds were similar. Seeking out a beautiful boy. Getting him here. Stripping him naked and throwing him into a cell to cower on the bare stone-flagged floor while they stood over him naked except for their masks…

Leaving him to imagine what horrors were going to be perpetrated on his young body in the big room beyond his cell door. Leaving the lights on so he could see the heavy rack in the center of the room; the shrew’s chair against one wall, the spikes poking up from its seat gleaming wickedly. The leather whips hanging from the rack on the wall. The ropes which dangled from pulleys in the roof. The chains and manacles hanging from the walls.

The shelves which held all manner of other small pieces of equipment from candles to pliers to metal and rubber and plastic tubing of various sizes.

For Nat had done his homework. There was very little about torture he didn’t know—at least in theory. He had researched the subject thoroughly from the Star Chamber to the Inquisition. From ancient Chinese tortures to modern ideas such as the use of electric shocks.
And he intended to try them all…


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