Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

AC-294 Sins of The Fathers

Sins of the Fathers

Adonis Classics


Jason Bonds



Sins of the Fathers

Adonis Classics


Jason Bonds




“You wanna piss in my mouth?” Adrian asked boldly, jacking Billy’s big cock back to a stiff hard-on underwater.

“You ever do stuff like that before?” Billy asked suspiciously, unable to believe his angelic little cousin could have been involved in such things.

“Naw,” Adrian admitted. “But I suck daddy’s cock all the time.”

“Man, that freaks me!” Billy laughed, slapping a wet hand to his forehead. “The whole goddamned family’s queer… what a bummer!”

“You don’t like it?” Adrian asked coyly, even while he jacked his cousin’s hard cock beneath the surface.

“I’m no fag, Adrian,” Billy said quickly. “No fuckin’ way!” He began to undulate his hips, fucking the boy’s clasping fingers. “But I can get off on gettin’ my cock sucked.”

“That’s okay, Billy,” the youngster whispered, looking adoringly at his cousin’s handsome face. “I just want to give you a blow-job. You don’t have to touch me at all, if you don’t want to.” He fluttered his dark lashes nervously. “And… and if you happen to need to pee, I’d kinda like to try that… what you did to your dad, I mean.”

“Hey, little cousin, I can give you all the cum and piss you want,” Billy said, smiling widely and revealing his even teeth. “Let’s do it!”

The two boys swam to the old dock, and they climbed out of the water. They stood on the dock for a moment, dripping water on the weather-beaten planks and looking at each other. Each boy’s cock was standing out rigidly from his crotch.

“Lay down on your back,” Billy said with an air of authority. “I’m gonna fuck your mouth, kid.”

“Oooooh, goodie!” Adrian squealed gleefully. “I never had it that way.”

When Adrian had sprawled on his back, Billy quickly sat down astride the youngster’s chest, jacking his big prick up to a raging hard-on. Billy’s suntanned skin looked brown by comparison with Adrian’s pale flesh.

Adrian’s eyes crossed as he watched the cock so near his face being pumped by Billy’s fist. He felt the teenaged stud’s furry balls bouncing against his smooth chest. Looking up, he saw how Billy’s beautiful abdominal muscles rippled sensuously while he beat his meat.

“Give it to me, Billy!” Adrian rasped as he grasped the older boy’s hard thighs. “Don’t jack off! Put it in my mouth!”


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