Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Jeff and Mike smiled at each other in the darkness as they closed in on the tent. They could just make out the two shadow forms as the boys went at it.
Jeff and Mike nodded to each other and pulled knives. Each took a post at the sides of the tent.
With a pair of nods as signals, they slashed the nylon rain flap and then cut into the tent itself. The boys looked up as the bright lights flashed in their eyes.
“You all can stop that now,” Mike said. His light played over the two white bodies.
“Oh God,” were the only words that Jake could get out as Mike dragged him out of the ripped up tent.
He was naked as his screams echoed through the woods.
“Go on, kid, scream your head off, no one can hear you.”
“That’s right, there ain’t anyone for ten miles, asshole,” Jeff said.
“Leave me alone,” Bob yelled as Jeff tried to pull him out. He kicked out his right foot in the general direction of the light.
His toes hit something hard and the shock shot up his arm.
“Ouch,” Jeff yelled and he dropped the flashlight.
Bob knew it was his only chance. He jumped up and ran through the bush.
He crashed through the woods and he battled the overhanging shit to get to the next camp.
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