Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

BB-80033 The Jocks

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The Jocks

Blueboy Library


Clay Caldwell


Category: Tag:

The Jocks

Blueboy Library


Clay Caldwell




The warm, sweat-drenched scent of the locker room.

Brawling athletes bitching and joking after a competition.

Muscle-toned men stripping and heading for the showers.

Naked studs, virile, celebrating a victory or bemoaning a defeat… and feeling the churning sex-hunger rise uncontrollably.

Is there any surprise in finding that many of these men turn to a fellow for release?

Behind the screen of the popular conception of athletes as machismo heroes, the general public has ignored the obvious male-to-male relationships that develop. But in recent years, the curtain has been lifted, and we are now allowed to see our sports heroes as men, not machines… men who often turn to other men for the most intimate of pleasure and satisfaction.

In the spirit of this newfound openness we proudly present The Jocks, an anthology of men and sports. Each of these stories was contributed by an athlete who is willing to “tell it like it is,” no-holds-barred.

If you dig sports and all-out action, we know you’ll dig these Jocks!

Ever wonder about that good-looking football quarterback and what he does after the game? The burly wrestler you saw on television during the Olympic Games? The eager-faced youth on the local swimming team? The coach who always gives his players an extra pat on the butt at the end of the game? The tennis star who almost makes love to the handle of his racket when he wins?

They’re all here, and more!


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