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Hot Nights and Damp Sheets

Sir Velvet


David McHenry



SV-105 Hot Nights and Damp Sheets

Category: Tag:

Hot Nights and Damp Sheets

Sir Velvet


David McHenry




Meet Big Tom Caster! He’s the meanest fucker west of Kansas City. He operates this big ranch spread out in the flatlands. He’s a cattle baron. And he tortures poor young guys who happen across his ranch. Keep away from Tom Caster. He’s a big mean fucker and he’ll have your ass if you get too close.

Brick Baxter had to tangle with Big Tom Caster. Brick was fleeing another ranch where he’d had a gay affair with a beautiful teen-age boy named Gary Salter. Gary was a lovely youngster, as gay as he was handsome. They went for midnight swims together naked. And they laughed and loved together. The trouble was that Gary’s old man ran that ranch. And when the bunkhouse boys found out that Gary and Brick were in love, well, they made times pretty rough for Brick. So Brick set out farther west, with an aching heart and a lonely penis. But Mr. Right turned up pretty soon. For Brick, Mr. Right was another handsome and well-hung lonely cowpoke who just called himself Terry. He was gay and handsome, too. And Brick and Terry fell madly in love right away… as any normal man would in such a wonderful situation.

So Brick and Terry rode the range together. And they rode it toward Caster’s ranch, looking for work on the coming cattle round up. They should have known they shouldn’t have come when they saw a naked blond boy being whipped in the barn by Caster. Or when they went off to the north pasture with Caster on the pretense of gelding some cattle.

But as they soon found out, it was Caster who always held those gelding shears. Caster loved to castrate. It was fun. Brick and Terry didn’t think so. And their enforced stay at the torture ranch was one of horror and pain… including the ultimate pain with those gelding shears if they weren’t careful.


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