Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

SSS-128 Back Pack Boys

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Back Pack Boys

Surree Stud


Dick Stroth


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Back Pack Boys

Surree Stud


Dick Stroth




“Take it easy, you guys. Game’s not over until the last guy comes.” Ron pulled on his dick. “And I’m real close.”

“Oh. Oh, yeah.” Tim massaged his balls slowly. As Chris got back beside him, he felt the boy touch him, felt Christ press with his hips and the pleasure boiled from his nuts. “Hell. Oh, God. Yes. Oh. Oh! OH!” Tim’s voice went to a sharp pitch and cum poured out of his long cock. His man-juice hit the ground past the twig Chris had stuck in place. The second batch went past that and the third wad cleared the first two easily.

“God damn!!” Scott stared at the boy, then looked at the distance covered. “Incredible!!!”

“Ohhhhhhh!” Tim splattered more semen, not as far. His eyes closed and he finished coming slowly, taking his time. He had seen how far he shot and a smile spread over his whole face.

“Jesus Christ, Tim. That is one hell of a cock.” Chris slid his hand over the boy’s butt.

“At least somebody gave me some competition.” Ron leaned forward, leading with his cock.

One hand held his balls lightly, the other curled around his shaft, the fingers not able to touch around the thick rod. He turned slightly, aiming at Tim’s cum, pulled down hard on his balls and shot a big load of thick cream.

The boys watched closely as the man got off. His body tensed; muscles rippled and flexed over his chest and belly. He leaned farther ahead, thrashed at his dick and the next jolts of gism went beyond Tim’s mark. Ron breathed heavily, mouth open, straining to take the full pleasure. His cock turned dark red, his body glimmered with sweat and he pumped hard until he was drained.


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