Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Chicken Comin’ Up
Surree Stud
Samuel West
I broke the world’s record for speed but I got cheated out of the ribbon. When I returned, Jake was leaning against the ladder, grinning. “Surprised ya, huh?” I didn’t answer. He took a sip or two, then resumed working. I held the ladder steady. All of a sudden the sound of hammering ceased and Jake’s raspy voice broke through the silence.
“I gotta take a piss bad. Watch it!”
I watched, wide-eyed. The hobo had opened his pants and exposed himself. The ladder wobbled. Jake descended. I watched his naked cock boldly swinging. Without a word, I followed him to the sink. I would have followed him to the brink of hell if he led me there.
At the sink Jake wasn’t pissing. He was slowly retracting his foreskin, rubbing the blood-red shaft over and over. Of course he knew I was at his side staring. That didn’t stop him. He stopped only when the huge red prick was fully erect and throbbing. I had never seen a man masturbate. I had never seen an erect penis, except my own on certain furtive occasions. I felt that I was witnessing an arcane magic ritual, and I expected that any minute the magician would either berate me or disappear in a puff of smoke and brimstone. Jake didn’t scold or vanish. He said, “I got a strong prod, huh? Feel it.”
My hand was trembling. Jake guided it over his hard-on. I felt its strength, its heat, the throb that was like an echo of my frantic heartbeat. “I’m horny,” Jake mumbled, “I gotta jerk off—unless you wanna suck me off.”
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