Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

SS-1032 Navy Blown

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Navy Blown

Stud Series


Pat Pomeroy


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Navy Blown

Stud Series


Pat Pomeroy




He remained quiet on his bunk as the sea rocked the ship back and forth on the waves. He felt the heat of his own cock as he held the tool in his hand and squeezed the thick shaft at the base until it started to drool with pre-cum.

“Shut up,” he heard the captain tell the mate. “Shut your mouth and take it. Take that dick up your fuckin’ asshole.” There was moaning and then the sound of a hard hand smacked across an upturned rump. The moaning became more muffled and the sound of a big dick slurping in and out of a moist ass channel seemed to fill the small space of the on-board room.

The boy listening in tried hard to keep himself from gasping. He never imagined that the captain of the ship would be using and abusing the sailors for his sexual lusts. If the captain ever found him on board, a stowaway… well, the poor boy shot a load of cream just thinking about it.


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