Category: Tag:

His Master’s Meat

Surree Stud


P. H. Bennett




SS-054 His Master’s Meat

Category: Tag:

His Master’s Meat

Surree Stud


P. H. Bennett





What is masculinity? Obviously the word means more than having set of male genitals. There is an entire system of social values that has grown up around this pivotal concept. Sociologists have identified behavior patterns that they have consider to be part of the masculine role in our social structure. But these behaviors are only overt expressions of masculinity. They are not the basic attitudes and feelings from which the actions are derived.

Aggressiveness is considered to be a masculine virtue and yet aggressive women are not necessarily masculine women. Nor, for that matter are aggressive men. Many an aggressive politician is currently holding office that we would all be reluctant to describe as “masculine.” Indeed, any behavior that can be described as masculine can be seen in non-masculine individuals. Masculinity would seem to be a psychic state, a combination of attitudes which are expressed through overt behaviors, behavior that appearing in other contexts are extremely feminine.

What are these attitudes and feelings? In its exploration of the world of masculine sexuality, gay life probes the limits of masculine attitudes. It extolls the attitudes and virtues which epitomize the truly “masculine“ individual. The current renaissance in Sado-masochism and bondage is part of that exploration of masculinity, and the ritualistic aspects of masculine behavior.

While this exploration of masculinity remains on the fringe of gay life, it is an extremely powerful influence on the whole substructure.

This novel looks into the world of the Bondage Cult, into the world of Sado-Masochistic sex. The highly ritualized world of pain and sex, of domination and submission is a world of extremes. You are either Master or Slave. You are either the inflictor of pain or its recipient. You either impose your will on others or have another’s will imposed on you.

In this world of extremes, we follow the events which happen to one individual. We do not know his name, for his name is of no value, to him or any one else. He is a Slave. His identity is subsumed in the identities of those who are his Masters. Even as we are introduced to him, he has accepted the role of the slave—he has encountered a more masculine male than himself. He has been forced into submission.

This submission to the will and desires of his stronger Master, his entry into the tangled world of pain and sex, his suppression of his own desires and needs, of his own identity, he accepts and accepts gladly. Until he meets again one of the persons upon whom he has forced his own will in his youth. It is then, in the hands of this violent and vengeful individuals, that he begins truly to understand the roots of his own masculinity.


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