Category: Tag:

S/M Bike Cop 

Surree Stud 


Tom Hardy



SS-039 S/M Bike Cop

Category: Tag:

S/M Bike Cop 

Surree Stud 


Tom Hardy




The first person singular in fiction, is the most direct, immediate and intimate way to present a character to the reader. Every nuance of thought and motivation can be presented in detail; nothing need to be left out.

This is the story of Jim Flynn in his search for adventure, love and fulfillment. A search which, because of his nature, he must make with other men—uses this form. It is hoped that his story will be of interest and value to the reader not only because of his varied experiences and different practices but, more importantly, because he is in a lot of us. How many of us, like Jim, have shied off from love, and moved away, when with a bit of courage, we could have moved toward happiness? Be honest now. You are the only one who knows the answer to that question.

But Jim sets out his answer in detail, lets us all in on how he feels and why he feels that way. We are inside his head, looking through his eyes, feeling his feelings, dreaming his dreams. And how many of those dreams and feelings are our own? Again, the answer is yours alone.

Today, we are just a little, closer to an open examination of sexuality. Gradually, with a lot of effort by a lot of people, we are starting to be able to look at physical practices with some candor, some honesty. Jim does that here for us. He tells us all about himself and, in so doing, lets us know a bit more about ourselves. For we are not so different from him. Not in our needs and wishes.

Jim’s revelations, is their intimacy, their directness, give us a sort of mirror where, with attention, we can see parts of ourselves reflected.


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