San Diego Sailor

(Similar to Monkey version)

Black Knight Classics



San Diego Sailor

San Diego Sailor

(Similar to Monkey version)

Black Knight Classics



Beginning of Chapter One

He was a beautiful looking sailor. In fact, he was so beautiful he was fucking magnificent! He looked spic-’n-span in the new white-duck uniform, and the smile alone was enough to make me want to slam on the brakes, jump out of the car, kick up my heels, and shout: FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME, SAILOR! And, as I slowed down, he took a step forward and his crotch came into sharp relief. I slammed on the brakes so hard that I almost skidded to a stop right beside him, and when I opened the door he eased himself in and sat next to me.


I don’t really know how it all happened.

All I can recall is that we exchanged glances constantly and had some idle conversation that didn’t really mean a damn thing, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of his bulging crotch. Oh, baby, there it was, hidden by the thin whites, but outlined to perfection, and my mouth watered with the thought of having it in my mouth and lapping the living hell out of it.

“Been getting what you want in Hollywood?” I recall having asked him.

“Jeez, those broads!” he said. “They’re all a bunch of moochers.”

I think he tried to sound tough, but he fell short. He did, however, have the most beautiful drawl that might have been Texas or Oklahoma, or any place but the deep south, but it was deep and pleasant and I was sure he’d had a better background than he wanted anyone to know about.

“Haven’t I seen you in the movies before?” he asked.

I knew sooner or later he would recognize me. “I’ve been in plenty of them,” I said. “Oh, I’m not claiming to be the Tony Curtis kind, but I’ve had my share of exposure.”

“Yes,” he said. “You’re pretty good, too. I like to watch you.”

“Thanks!” I told him… and I never meant anything more sincerely!


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