
Biker’s Hot Oil Boy

Rough Trade




RT-573 Biker’s Hot Oil Boy


Biker’s Hot Oil Boy

Rough Trade





This is a story about punks.

Tiger Barthaleme Tattoo—punk.

Hoales Pierce—punk.

Dave Lent—punk.

Benny Bottoms—punk.

All punks. Kids grown up in families that couldn’t give a damn. Kids brought up in the neck of the heart of the somewhere U.S.A… and where, wasn’t nobody gave a damn.

Punks: What is it punks like to do? Motorcycling? Killing? Stealing? What is it?

“I’m gonna shove my fat dick up yer tight hole, you shit!” Tiger told the boy. Dave felt a fear take his gut like nothing in the world.

Hoales merely looked on; his cock standing high out of his leather chaps, the whip in his hand dangling at his side. He looked on. He couldn’t wait, couldn’t wait to see the virgin cry. Couldn’t wait to see that virgin’s asshole ripped open and dug to the limit.

“Please don’t! I’ll do anything!” Dave cried.

But Tiger didn’t care.

Just couldn’t give a damn.

All he knew was what he always knew—you want it, you take it. It fucks with you, you kill it.


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