Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

RAM-10-119 A Presidential Affair

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A Presidential Affair

Ram Books


Chad Staurt


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A Presidential Affair

Ram Books


Chad Staurt




Paul’s body was made even more golden by the moonlight that filtered into the cabin through the opened porthole. His tanned chest shone with a veneering of sweat coaxed through the pores by a summer’s heat which had lingered well beyond sundown. The pectoral muscles were domed mounds completely absent of hair. The hard flesh of the chest curved to a meeting with a ridged and scalloped abdomen. The first clusters of hair began at the belly button, blond strands huddled at the small pit. Pubic hairs pushed fuller on the lower belly, thriving at the roots of a cock that was, at that moment, standing hard between muscular thighs.

Paul’s cock was a powerful instrument.

From its thickly rooted base hung two massive and hairy balls. The sac hung low and brushed the youth’s inner thighs. The skin shifted, the nuts rolling in accompaniment to the occasional nervous jerks of the hard cock. From the cock’s base, which defied even the largest handspan, the penis reared upward: an arching of hard meat that was latticed with thick veins. It wasn’t a perfectly round cock. It was flattened across its belly and back. It formed a gentle curving that bowed outward and upward from its base. The cockhead was a fisted mass of swollen flesh. “God, you’re handsome,” Jay Tambu muttered appreciatively.

Paul knew he was good-looking, but he always could appreciate any reassurances. When you used your looks to the advantage Paul did, and had always done, it was nice to know you still possessed what was desired on the market.


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