This is a “non-penetration” magazine, meaning that no penis is shown actually going into another guy (in order to avoid prosecution for obscenity). There’s still lots of nice penis shots and even a couple of shots showing the butthole of the hairy guy—one in color on page 31 and then a b&w butthole shot on page 39. That last shot is the last photo inside the magazine and the photographer really tried to make it seem like the blond guy’s dick either just came out of the hairy guy’s butthole, or is just about to slip inside. No beer ads in the background!
1 review for Prod N4
Beat –
This is a “non-penetration” magazine, meaning that no penis is shown actually going into another guy (in order to avoid prosecution for obscenity). There’s still lots of nice penis shots and even a couple of shots showing the butthole of the hairy guy—one in color on page 31 and then a b&w butthole shot on page 39. That last shot is the last photo inside the magazine and the photographer really tried to make it seem like the blond guy’s dick either just came out of the hairy guy’s butthole, or is just about to slip inside. No beer ads in the background!