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Park Duty

Pleasure Reader


W. W. Wayne



PR-318 Park Duty

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Park Duty

Pleasure Reader


W. W. Wayne




Sometimes being a cop was difficult—especially being a young, inexperienced cop. What was Johnny supposed to do when the gay boys in the park fondled their crotches suggestively and ogled him blatantly? And why did his body inevitably respond to their knowing gazes? Sure, he was good-looking, maybe too good-looking for a man, but that didn’t necessarily make him one of them did it?

* * *

Johnny’s first assignment upon graduating from the police academy and becoming a full fledged police officer, was park duty. Or more explicitly, Gay patrol. His job was to catch the gay boys in the act and bust them. But oddly enough he felt vaguely sympathetic to them—or was it attracted to them? According to the National Institute of Mental Health: “Homosexual individuals can be found in all walks of life, at all socioeconomic levels, among all cultural groups within American society, and in rural as well as urban areas. Contrary to the frequently held notion that all homosexuals are alike, they are in fact very heterogeneous.”


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