Category: Tag:

Street Wise Hunks

Power Force


Norm Peters



PF-157 Street Wise Hunks

Category: Tag:

Street Wise Hunks

Power Force


Norm Peters




Recently, more and more evidence has come to light on the horrors of child abuse. Youngsters are often the innocent victims of the raging passions of adults around them. One fact stands out. A child who has been abused, will, in all probability, abuse others. Mistreatment, sexual brutality, is all he knows. This being the case, he passes the behavior along to those unfortunates who cross his path.

Jonny Silver, the major character of this novel, is the product of such brutality. His reaction to the trip in which he is placed by an uncaring mother is to run away. Constant sexual degradation and harassment by his mother’s lovers and their friends have driven him into the streets. When we meet him at sixteen, he is already wise in the ways of the world, concerned with his own survival, and, above all else, possessed of an ever present sexual hunger.

It is this gnawing urge for sexual gratification that is Jonny’s major focus. He travels from town to town, seeking men who will help him to quench the fires of his passion. No one is safe from his lust, and Jonny roams the highways, taking what he wants, leaving little in return.

Though the men who encounter him seek to tame the boy, they find themselves with only the memory of a tall, lithe blond, whom, they pray, will someday pass their way again.


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