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Two Hunks on the Make

Power Force


Brad Rowen



PF-156 Two Hunks on the Make

Category: Tag:

Two Hunks on the Make

Power Force


Brad Rowen




A youth is faced with many questions.

The answers seem crucial. They are looked upon as matters of life and death, and sometimes they are. More often, though, the answers to the mindboggling questions present themselves naturally in the course of day-to-day existence and personal exploration. Once an answer satisfactory to the particular individual is found, the question and its accompanying problems fade into the background, often to be forgotten as one gets on with the business of living.

Personal sexual orientation is one of these questions. A young person may suddenly be faced with the realization that he or she is somehow different from many of those around him and, more important, different from the way society, organized, religion, and some arms of government say he should be. Some individuals manage to stifle their natural sexual urges for an entire lifetime, often at tremendous cost to themselves and those around them. There is no way to calculate the vast numbers of people whose emotional lives have been warped, causing unnecessary mental hardship to themselves and their loved ones.

To discover that the barriers to free and honest sexual expression are artificial, the result of twisted thinking and outmoded viewpoints from an agrarian society which placed great emphasis on procreation for the purpose of maintaining sufficient manpower, can be heartbreaking. Clear thinking people have always done as they liked with their personal, private sexual lives, fully aware of the fact that society’s needs and mores change constantly, often with surprising rapidity. How sad to live an entire life of suppression only to discover near the end that no one really cared anyway! How many prisons are of our own making?

Dirk Peterson, a sixteen-year-old youth, discovers that he harbors certain feelings he has been carefully avoiding. This occurs when he meets an exceptionally appealing young man, Jonny Silver. Jonny is about the same age as Dirk, but his background is so different that he might as well come from another planet. Actions which are shocking and abhorrent to Dirk are as natural to Jonny as breathing.

It is the growth of understanding and communication between these two boys, so alike and yet so different, that makes up the action of this novel.


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