Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

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Hard Hat Hunk

Power Force


Raymond Maston



PF-111 Hard Hat Hunk

Category: Tag:

Hard Hat Hunk

Power Force


Raymond Maston




When archaeologists of the future sift through the artifacts of our society, they will undoubtedly come upon a few traveling salesman jokes. If human nature retains its present characteristics, these bits of folklore are one thing the sifters are certain to understand. The mystique of the traveling salesman, the man who finds himself in a different location each night, is universal. Here is someone who answers only to himself. His wife and family have no real idea of what he does on the road beyond what he chooses to tell them. If he is of secret homosexual bent, he can indulge himself to the fullest with a different and eager boy of his choice every night he is away from home.

Of course, most traveling men will tell you that their lives are actually boring in the extreme, with night after night spent in cold and impersonal hotels and evenings passed in solitary thought in uninspiring restaurants and bars. Nevertheless, the potential for sexual adventure is there. Whether or not the individual salesman takes advantage of the situation is his own concern.

The salesman in this novel, Del Gillis, exploits the situation to the fullest. An agent for a construction equipment firm, he meets many muscular, willing hardhats. The experiences he has with some of them are, as far as he is concerned, his own private business and carefully hidden from his wife of several years. They are hidden, that is, until she surprises him in a motel room with a young man he has picked up in the cocktail lounge…

Is there a certain heightening to the pleasure which is derived from the fact that the act is hidden and, therefore, dangerous? Can it be that once the act of sex with someone met causally in a strange cocktail bar is not an exercise in cheating on a loved one back home, it loses some of its sensual punch?

One may ask how many homosexuals are created by society and its strange taboos. If the Gay lifestyle were suddenly to receive equal status with the supposedly more prevalent straight way of living, would there be fewer practicing homosexuals as a result? What percentage of young people are led to experiment with gay sex primarily because it is held up to them as the unacceptable ultimate in wickedness and debauchery? Certainly, contemporary society’s public attitude toward gay love and gay life adds to the mystique of its entire image. One has only to watch the faces of straight spectators at the popular gay nightspots to know that behind the fascinated stares are many unanswered questions and many unfulfilled dreams.

It may be that there is something which is shared by the world of the traveling salesman and that of the gay person—a sense of individual and personal freedom.


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