Black Lace Drag

Private Edition


Edward Wood Jr



PE-433 Black Lace Drag

Black Lace Drag

Private Edition


Edward Wood Jr




A man, wearing a bowler hat and a velvet trimmed greatcoat, left the grayish light of late afternoon to enter a side street drug store. Inside the poorly lighted establishment he paused to look around. The beady eyes in his pudgy, pink face searched for a telephone booth and when he located the object he moved immediately to it, pulled the glass door shut behind him then after depositing a coin in the proper slot, dialed a number. He waited impatiently, listening to spaced ringing at the other end. During its fourth ring the other end receiver was lifted.

“Yes?” The voice was almost too musical to be that of a man.

“Glen?” The man in the telephone booth talked near a whisper, almost as if he was afraid of being overheard. His eyes searched the store through a glass telephone booth window as he talked.

“Yes—This is Glen.”

“Glenda is needed tonight.”

“Where does she pick up her instructions?”

“Spot Seventeen—Ten o’clock.”

“Got it.”

After hearing the receiver on the other end click into silence, Pudgyface replaced his own receiver then walked quickly from the telephone booth, across the store and back out into the late afternoon pedestrian traffic.


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