Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Deadly Orgasm
Parisian Press
John Jackson
If it had been just a dream there was a reality about it that was incredible. He had seen Gary’s soft blue eyes so clearly, so believably, right down to the tiny brown flecks in them. Never had he seen a face so filled with horror, the eyes wide, the mouth hanging open, the throat contracting while trying to take in air. And then there had been the incredible spasms of the body, the back arching upwards until it appeared it would break in two. With one final spasm of motion, the legs had shot out in wild contortions and then fallen limply and lifelessly back to the floor. The man with the slight limp inched his way silently out of the room. Had the scream been Gary’s or his own?
Suddenly Eric knew he couldn’t wait until tomorrow to get to work. He had to do something, anything, tonight or he would go stark raving mad. Making his way back into the library he spotted the phone on the desk. Picking it up he dialed a familiar number. After four rings a groggy, sleep laden voice answered at the other end.
“Ray?” Eric asked.
“No, Johnny.” Eric could tell he had awakened his friend from a deep sleep, otherwise either of them would have recognized his voice immediately, Ray and Johnny were the oldest friends he and Gary had.
“Johnny, this is Eric. I’m sorry to bother you this late,” Eric glanced at the clock, four-thirty in the morning, “but is Gary there?”
“No, we haven’t seen him in weeks. We I thought he might have gone to New York to see you.” The voice was less drowsy now, a tinge of caution in it, “Is there anything wrong?”
“I…I…I…” Eric’s weariness and the terror of the dream returned. He was unable to speak.
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