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New Guinea Sex Cult

New Male




NM-183 New Guinea Sex Cult

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New Guinea Sex Cult

New Male





“I am Tomaliel and I am the leader here. Won’t you come to my house for coffee?”

He was most courteous and his English was surprisingly good. The Tolais are better educated than most other groups, but still, they preferred to speak either in Pidgin or in their own language when at home.

I followed him to his house, a slightly larger one set at the end of the two rows and between them. The floor was sawn timber (usually it was made either from the bark of the limbom palm or from split bamboo) although the roof was sago palm thatch and the walls of woven bamboo.

We sat on the verandah while he questioned me about my service in his country, where I was from in Australia and what I was doing there now. He had a pleasant way about him and soon had the whole sordid story from me.

“And so you are now alone up here?” he said as he eyed me over the rim of his cup.

“Yes. Just trying to forget about Jill—and relive the happy times I had here…”

I suddenly felt strangely tired. It was only about eleven in the morning and I am not one to feel listless. I put the cup down and buried my head in my hands.

“Something wrong, Mr Scott?”

“Yes, I feel very woozy. Is there a doctor anywhere near…?”

“No need… I know what is wrong with you. In fact I caused it,” he said unctuously.

I tried to get up from the chair but just fell over, my muscles now completely useless…

* * *

As I began to regain consciousness, I panicked. My arms and legs wouldn’t work. I pushed them but they met unyielding resistance. Then, as my senses slowly returned, I realized why.

I was in a tiny cage. Made from bamboo wired together, it was no more than four feet high and two feet square, I was forced to squat down on my haunches and there was no room for movement.

“Comfortable, Mr Scott?” The oily voice came from above. I looked up to see the chief grinning evilly down at me.


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