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Mr. Benson


John Preston



Mr Benson

Category: Tag:

Mr. Benson


John Preston




No. He wasn’t wondering if he could do it; he was wondering if he wanted to do it. Mr. Benson never questions his own abilities. He’s still as handsome today as he was that night. I don’t know how old he is and I’ve never dared ask. I do know that he’s about 6’1” and that he’s the most handsome man I know. He doesn’t look like any model or movie star, but he is handsome. I thought then he was maybe thirty-eight. I think he looks younger than that now. So who knows?

Mr. Benson doesn’t believe in preliminaries. I didn’t know that then as I went through all my moves. I really did think I was dynamite in those days. I flashed my smile and showed my teeth. I made sure I stood so my ass stuck out. I made sure my jacket was open so he could see my chest and stomach through my T-shirt. Mr. Benson never blinked an eye. He never turned away. He just stood, still and aloof.

He was dressed in heavy black boots, button-fly jeans, a washed-out Levi’s shirt and an old, greasy leather jacket. The jeans weren’t all that tight but I could see a huge cock hanging down one side and the keys didn’t look make-believe. His hair was jet black and his mustached face was rough-skinned and tanned.

I was so turned on to him I could feel my dick drip. I was getting hard and was sure he’d notice. I didn’t know that Mr. Benson doesn’t even bother with boys’ cocks. He couldn’t care less.

He does care about asses. And mine was just itching for his cock to go up it. I was getting nervous. The man had been looking at me for half an hour and hadn’t made a move. I used to think the “man” should make the first step, but while he hadn’t left or ignored me, he didn’t make any real indication that he was trying to pick me up.

I didn’t know then that Mr. Benson thinks bottoms should offer themselves.

Finally, I did what I had been used to other people doing for me. I went to the bartender and gave him some money to take my nemesis a drink. Rocco knew me well, and I should have taken his advice more seriously.

“Don’t do it, man. That one’s too heavy for you; he’s looking for more’n you have to offer.”


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