Category: Tag:

Dark and Dangerous


(Same as HIS69-215)

Bruce Fields



MP-126 Dark and Dangerous

Category: Tag:

Dark and Dangerous


(Same as HIS69-215)

Bruce Fields




According to Robert M. Goldenson, Ph.D., in his THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR: PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY, AND MENTAL HEALTH, the correlation existing between sexual arousal and emotional experience can be a particularly close one. Certain experiences involving fear can and do become erotically stimulating for certain types of individuals.

Why is this the case? Actually, the reasons are primarily still unknown to the scientific community. The human being is a thoroughly complex mechanism, driven by motivations which are, more often than not, understood by no one—scientist or layman alike.

Whether completely explainable or not, some of us do get turned on by riding in fast cars. Some of us do get turned on by exposing our genitals or flashing our bare buttocks in public places. Some of us do get our thrills by watching people through keyholes, or by dressing up in leather.

Still others of us find sexual excitement in activities highly flavored by masochism and sadism. And it has been universally accepted that the two, sadism and masochism, often are found to coexist within the same individuals.

Again in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR: PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY, AND MENTAL HEALTH, we are informed that the sadistic person will often obtain gratification not only from inflicting pain but, also, from becoming involved in a situation wherein he, himself, is the one in danger.

The following novel, then, is a story of several people caught up in dangerous occupations, not only because of the high monetary rewards to be realized, but because of the stimulation each man personally derives from his involvement.


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