
Swinging Beef

Man to Man

(Same as BA-113)




MN-179 Swinging Beef


Swinging Beef

Man to Man

(Same as BA-113)





Those were the days of his youth, tingling, vibrant days, forever spring.


Until he found out, after two or three such experiences, a simple fact of life.

There is no way that one person can become another, that they can join together to form some mysterious conjunction, some new entity, themselves but greater than themselves.

Because there is only the body, in the end.

Truth, unmitigated, unarguable truth, lies in sensation, in arousal, in raw physical pleasure.

But the mind, the brain, that liar, that fool, would not have it so.

No, it tells us—told him—that there is something more, a deeper meaning, a greater, more intense caring.

Yes, in his youth he believed this, his own delusion, his self-deception.

Why not? he would tell himself, after each disappointment, after each discovery that the other had attitudes, interests far, far from his own.

Only to discover why not.

Two great reasons why not, there were, there are.

Number one, it’s emotionally devastating, number two, it’s simply not true.

The body.

That’s all there is, in the end; all there is, all there can be.

The body and the body and the body, through which, through which exclusively we can know the one truth and the one true goal.

The truth, which is the truth of pleasure, the one true goal, that toward which all that lives strives, being the ultimate pleasure.

Hence, the lure of dope.

That alternate route, that other means, that search for something more, that something more which doesn’t exist.

The truth lies in the body, lies in sex.


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