Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Maybe he had read more into it than had been there! What if Doug had just been shooting the shit with him, one guy to another? Maybe no one would be home at all! Maybe he was losing his fucking mind!
Only one way to find out! Getting out of the truck, he tucked his test kit under one arm and, taking his tile brush and his net in his hands, headed back to the pool, his heart pounding, trying to prepare himself for the inevitable disappointment he was now sure was waiting for him.
But no! Turning the corner of the house he spied the back of that dark blond head in one of the deck chairs. Breathing a sigh of relief, Paul started on over.
With each step more of Doug came into view; his profile, his shoulder and arm, his upper chest, his… Sonofabitch!
He was bare-assed!! Paul couldn’t believe it! Doug still didn’t seem to have heard him and Paul took the opportunity to drink in the sight of him laying naked in the sunlight!
Had he thought he was gorgeous before? Man, that didn’t even begin to compare with this! Hungrily his eyes fastened on Doug’s crotch. His cock was long and thick, its circumcised head gleaming pinkly in the bright light!
Beneath it his balls lay nestled in their sac of smooth skin, plump as a pair of plums bursting with juice! The hair growing at the base of Doug’s dick and on his nuts was almost the same shade as the dark blond locks on his head! Paul had never expected, even in his dreams, to find anything like this waiting for him!
Or was he waiting for him? Maybe he was just grabbing some sun! What in hell was he thinking about? This was another guy in the name of Heaven! And if Doug did have an ulterior motive, would he be able to go through with it?
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