Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Being a quick study, Ryan also put his hands to work, untucking Mike’s shirt to allow his hands direct contact with the hunky blond’s smooth, firm flesh. He thrilled to the sensation as his hands roamed their way up Mike’s hairless torso.
Mike had just graduated last week from Edison Community College, a junior college with a two year program. For both of those two years, and for four years of high school before that, Mike had trained constantly for the gymnastics squad. That part of his life had ended last week with graduation, but he was determined that he would keep up the training that had given him such a beautifully developed body.
A body that eighteen-year-old Ryan Miller couldn’t get enough of. Ryan was a senior at the local Catholic high school. He had admired handsome athletes and muscular physiques for as long as he could remember. In fact, it was those things more than anything else that had led him to his love of sports. There was nothing he liked more than hanging around his buddies in the locker room, snapping towels and tossing dirty jockstraps at each other. He always had to watch himself, though. He could never let any of his friends know how interested he was in them physically. But his senior year would be coming to an end in June, and for the first time he was realizing that his overwhelming urges might not be unique to him. Life after high school might turn out to be a lot more interesting than he could ever have dared hope.
With his wildest fantasies now occurring for real, his happiness and excitement mingled together as he broke the heated kiss and pulled Mike’s T-shirt over his head. In a second, they were back in each other’s arms, and both athletes’ chests were rubbing against each other, flesh to tingling flesh.
After a few intense moments with their lips locked together, Mike broke the kiss.
“Whew! You do that pretty well for a beginner.”
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