Category: Tag:

Humpy Highschooler


(same as GE-166)


Peter Proud



MH-492 Humpy Highschooler

Category: Tag:

Humpy Highschooler


(same as GE-166)


Peter Proud




Sexual identification is important for children to achieve. The earlier this identification occurs, the better it is for the youngster, and a greater chance exists that the youngster will lead a “normal” sex life, that is, in the traditional male-female relationships as dictated by the mores of the youngster’s community.

An important element leading toward proper sexual identification is a life within a traditional home, a home with a male father and a female mother acting out their traditions roles. The exclusion of one parent or the other during a youngster’s critical development period can lead to confusion in sexual identification. With Father gone, to whom does the boy turn? Certainly not Mother. The same is true of a mother and daughter; the young female hardly turns to Father for sex advice. Therefore, the lack of a model, of a guiding influence, can often permit a youngster to walk blindly down the road to sexual identification, eagerly accepting any guidance offered along the way.

Jim Easton’s father died when the youth was three. His mother was nice enough, but stingy with expressions of love for her son. She never asked for loving expressions in return, and was absolutely no help when it came to his sexual identification. She assumed he would find his own way, that some inner force would guide him on the “right” path to true love, marriage, and fatherhood. Instead, confused and lacking a father figure, Jim turned left when he might have turned right, and found himself involved with members of his own sex. In addition, he had strong feelings for those people and had no experience to call upon.

A sexual virgin, Jim Easton, at seventeen, was also a virgin when it came to expressing his love.


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