Fresh Young Buns



James Duncan



MH-459 Fresh Young Buns

Fresh Young Buns



James Duncan




When 1973 newspaper headlines announced to the world that twenty-seven young boys had been sexually abused, tortured, and killed in Houston, Texas, it appeared that the homosexual movement might be set back a generation. To many people’s surprise, however, homosexuals were among the first to express shock and dismay at the murders. They denounced not only the actual murdering and torturing of the boys involved, but the forced sexual relations that preceded these sadistic activities.

Homosexuals, it was revealed, practice a moral code almost identical to that of their heterosexual counterparts. They are as strongly opposed to relations between an adult male and an under-aged boy as heterosexuals are opposed to relations between a man and a young girl. The majority of homosexuals subscribe to the idea that both persons involved in a homosexual act must participate by mutual consent. Thus while a homosexual may read with interest fiction dealing with immoral or criminal acts by fictional homosexuals, they are opposed to the actual carrying out of such imaginary adventures in real life.

Actually this should not come as such a shock to the heterosexual populace. The popularity of the books of the Marquis de Sade in former times, and the popularity of such books as Peyton Place, Lolita, The Graduate, etc., in more recent times shows that heterosexuals enjoy reading about immoral and illegal acts between men and girls or women and boys.

Heterosexuals, however, would no more consider actually going out and violating a young girl to bring life to their fictional fantasies than an adult male homosexual would consider going out and abducting and abusing a young boy.

When relations do occur between a man and a boy, it is usually revealed later that the boy was engaging in prostitution and selling his body for whatever the market was currently bringing. He was offering his body to the older man for personal gain, like his young girl counterpart peddling her wares on a street corner or in a seedy house of ill repute.

In general, however, homosexual relations, like heterosexual relations, tend to seek their own level as far as age is concerned. Boys engage in relations with other boys, and men seek out other men their same age or close to the same age. One reason for this is apparent; while an adult male may find a young boy physically attractive, the barrier of the boy’s lack of emotional maturity usually comes between them. Another reason is that the boy, being younger, is usually forced to take a submissive role, and if aggressive, this would be contrary to his nature.

The darker side of homosexuality, involving the abuse and torture of unwilling boys, has its counterpart in the male rapist who preys on innocent girls. There can be no rationalization for this type of behavior. The molester, in all cases, can be regarded as having an illness, but though we can pity him for that, we must still remove him from contact with society.

This book will attempt to show that relations between persons of the same age, whether of the same sex or not, should not necessarily be regarded as immoral, as long as mutual consent is present. The relations between the male characters should be viewed with the same objectiveness as the heterosexual relations between characters in various other works of fiction.

It is hoped that the reader will see an obvious difference between the innocence of the younger characters and the perverted personality of the sadist who attempts to force himself upon them.

In the end, however, it is the reader who must draw his own conclusions, and if this book does nothing else than make him aware that the majority of homosexuals are not boy-molesting animals, it will have been worthwhile.


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