Beach Studs

Cal Westly

Mean Trucker

(Same as RT-539)

Joe Rizzo



MDB-23 Beach Studs and Mean Trucker

Beach Studs

Cal Westly

Mean Trucker

(Same as RT-539)

Joe Rizzo



Beach Studs


“Now we are going to see if my entire fist fits up inside your asshole,” the cruel leader of the beach gang said to his bound victim.

“Oh no no! Please not that! You will tear me apart if you try that!” the victim screamed with a note of hysteria. He was very frightened.

He was bound on his belly spread-eagle on the bed. Each wrist and ankle was hound tightly with thick rope to one of the bedposts. The sadist put a black leather glove on his right fist slowly.

He tugged the bound boy’s ass cheeks apart and looked at the anus.

He laughed when he thought of how grossly it would soon be stretched.

Mean Trucker


Dirk watched the huge guy’s dick gash as it shuddered and filled with clear, oozing semen. The big vein in the shaft of his piece was beginning to overshadow the other serpentine veins.

It looked like somebody had laid cable alongside the dude’s shaft.

His balls began to be apparent, too. They were the size and texture of coconuts and roughly as big. The thick seam in the middle caught the light and Dirk felt his own rod twitch and thrash inside his jeans.

“Your peanut’s getting angry, ain’t it, shit?” Hambone grumbled.

Dirk kept silent, but then he was beginning to fear speaking out against this ungentle giant. He didn’t want the guy to know he was turned on, but what the hell could he do? Even his buddy’s cock was getting hard.

“Will you look at that?” Hambone teased as he pointed to Thad. “You got a cute little dick on ya, don’t you? A cute little dick for a cute little shit to be packing.”

Dirk squirmed, and Hambone twisted his hair so hard he stopped sharp.

Thad stood there with his long hardening dick glinting in the sunshine. He felt like a damned fool…a damned fool with no place to hide.

But his cock stayed hard.

Hard as a fucking hammer about to pound nails.

And he knew it wouldn’t go down…not until Hambone had had his way with it.


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