Marine Studs

Black Knight Classics



Marine Studs

Marine Studs

Black Knight Classics



Beginning of Chapter One

“More eggs, anyone?” Freddy Ash cried out cheerily as he bent his six-feet four-inch hulk over the camp skillet, happily splashing bacon grease around in a skillet filled with eggs. He had six eggs in the pan, so each of us got one. Even I decided to have another —my fourth for the morning.

I looked up as Freddy plopped an egg into my plate. He could well afford to be more cheerful than the rest of us, I thought. After all, during the entire drive up into the hills for our day of camping out, he had practically driven all of us stock-raving mad listening to him regale us with tales of fucking adventures with both women and men.

To listen to Freddy Ash talk one would think that there wasn’t a man or woman around whom he hadn’t fucked at one time or another.

It was precisely because of the reason that Freddy Ash talked so very damn much about himself that all of us started calling him ‘Mother’ Ash. And when she got on her sex tirade, that boisterously gossipy flare always captivated our attention, and we’d listen her out.

“Now this taxi driver was so gorgeous,” ‘Mother’ Ash said between a mouthful of egg, “your ‘Mother’ just had to proposition him! Big!… And so butch, too! He came up to my pad willingly enough—too willingly, as a matter of fact, and then he made a beeline right for my john and I sat there on my bed waiting and waiting AND WAITING! Honey, I couldn’t stand the suspense another minute so I barged in on him. There that drifting queen lay—stock naked in my bathtub without a drop of water in it! And do you know what she wanted your ‘Mother’ to do? Well, get this! She wanted your ‘Mother’ to piss on her! Can you imagine?”

“And what did you do?” Mike, that gorgeous Marine off on leave asked.

“Honneeyyy…” ‘Mother’ Ash continued, “your ‘Mother’ threw her ass out and cruised up another real lovely number!”

Mike looked from ‘Mother’ Ash right at me as if to say ‘what’s so fucking fantastic about that?’


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