Category: Tag:

Hanging Low



Jay Ericson 



M-195-138 Hanging Low

Category: Tag:

Hanging Low



Jay Ericson 




“You listen to me, Paxton. If you mention this to any-one, I’ll take a machete and whack off those two oversized balls of yours and send them back to you parcel post.”

Paxton laughed. “Oversized? There’s nothing oversized about these.” He held his hand under them and noticed that Lambert was staring at them. “Is there?”

“How the hell should I know. Are you a faggot?”

Paxton lisped purposely and assumed a feminine stance, looking upwards and blinking. “What do you think?”

Lambert laughed. “All right. All right. So you’re not a faggot, but you had me worried.”

Paxton couldn’t believe how stupid people could be.

“Feel better?”

Lambert playfully punched him on the shoulder. “Yeah, man, thanks. Truthfully, it just wouldn’t make sense, if you were. Wouldn’t fit in with everything else about you.”

“No, I can see that it wouldn’t.”

“I’ve met them before, you know, hitchhiking. Sickies. But not us. This doesn’t make us one of them, does it?”

Paxton handed the canteen to Lambert. “Gay, you mean?”

“Why do you use that word? Faggots, man, that’s what they are.” He sipped the water.

If Lambert hadn’t been so incredibly bigoted, Paxton would have seduced him for sure, shown him what a boy’s ass could really do. But the simple thought of letting Lambert hump him almost made him sick.


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